
Tricks and Tips for Bold Lips!

Hi everyone! I hope you're having a pleasant start to the week! Today, I want to talk to you guys about bold lip colors. It's almost summer, and one of my favorite looks in the summer is minimal make up and bold lips. I think it's such a fun look! It also can be pretty intimidating if you're used to wearing soft pink and nude lips colors. Almost more intimidating than red lips! Bold lip colors automatically get attention. They are like a neon sign saying look at me! Which means the application has to be flawless. This can scare some people off. But I've got a few tips to make pulling off bold and bright lip colors easy peasy!

!. Exfoliate!!

Because bright and bold lip colors draw attention to your lips you want them looking flawless. The most important thing to remember when applying any cold lip color (or any lip color at all really) is to exfoliate your lips. This will sluff off all of the dead skin cells so your lips aren't looking peeled and cracked. You can buy lip scrubs at the drugstore, but I prefer a DIY method. I simply take a lip balm and apply it heavily to my lips (I like to use carmex, but any lip balm will do! You could even use vaseline!) Then rub some coarse sugar on top of the lip balm. Rub the mixture all around on your lips, and then rinse away the remaining balm/sugar. Then apply another layer of lip balm to moisturize your lips! Super easy, and leaves your lips looking and feeling amazing!

2.Lip liner!
It's important when using bold colors that you use a lip liner. This will prevent your lip stick from moving out beyond your lip line. With more neutral or subtle lipsticks, you don't really have to worry about this so much. But when you are wearing a bright or bold color, if it moves or feathers, it tends to look a little crazy! I like to line just outside my natural lip line, and also fill in the lips entirely with the liner. This gives me lipstick something to hold on to, and also allows me to touch up less often! Makes fading lipstick just a tad less noticeable!

3. Keep the rest of your makeup subtle!
The last thing you want to do is look like a clown! The combination of bright bold lips and bold eye make up can make you look like you should be wearing the big shoes and clown wig. When you're going with bold lip colors, be sure to keep the rest of your face make up neutral. I suggest keeping your outfit fairly neutral as well. The attention should be all about the lips!

4. Lip Brush
I recommend applying your bold lip color with a lip brush. This allows for even application, and a steadier hand. This way your lipstick goes where you want it to, and not all over your face!

5. Choose colors that compliment your skintone.
Not all bold colors are created equal. You can't just grab any shade of bright lipstick and smear it on. Make sure you test the color against your skintone to be sure that the color compliments you. You'll know when you swatch the lipstick whether you like the way it looks or not!

Now, I thought I would show you some of my favorite bold lip colors from my collection! You'll notice, once again, a lot of Elf products! This is because I love their products, and also because they are so inexpensive. Spending a dollar on a lipstick is a great way for me to see if I like the look of that color. Especially with bold colors I like this. That way, if I find that I feel like I can't pull off the look, I only wasted a dollar! And if I find that I DO like the look than in the future I can invest in a more expensive lip color.

Revlon Lip Butter in Raspberry pie- I love this color. It's a bright and bold raspberry color. It can be layered on for a bold look, or worn subtly. It's got a gorgeous sheen to it. This is my ultimate go to bold lip color. I love it!

NYC Ruby- this is a great, inexpensive lip stick. I think I purchased it for around a dollar. I bought it thinking it might be a great red. It turned out not to be red, but I love it anyway. It's a fuschia color with shimmer in it, and great when I want that bold look.

Elf Lipstick in Sociable- this color is bright! It's a blue toned pinky-red with glitter in it! I am not normally a fan of glitter in my lipstick, but this just works somehow. It definitely screams LOOK AT ME!

Elf lipstick in Flirtatious- this is a bubblegum pink with a nice sheen to it. It can be worn very subtly, which I love. But if you build it up it becomes this bold beautiful barbie pink!

Elf lipstick in Captivating- This is a classic example of why I buy elf lipsticks. This color is orange! I would never ever be brave enough to try orange lipstick if it wasn't for the 1$ price tag on this. But I love it!

L to R: Revlon lip butter in Raspberry Pie, NYC Ruby, Elf sociable, Elf flirtatious, Elf Captivating

If you try all these tips and you still feel like you can't pull off a bold lipstick, you can always go a bit more subtle and go for a brightly colored lip gloss. application is easier, much less stress to worry about, and you can still achieve a beautiful color. Just pulled a few glosses out of my collection that would work for that bold lip look without all the fuss!

Elf glitter gloss in fuchsia fireworks- a bright fucshia lip gloss with blue glitter.
Elf Glossy Gloss in Dragon Fruit- a nice glossy lip gloss in a tangeringe-y melon shade
Urban Decay lip junkie lip gloss in crush- a more expensive option, but this is a bright pink opaque lip gloss. one of my faves!
elf conditioning lip balm in mellow melon- a melon colored lip balm gives a nice color and sheen without being too in your face.
Elf 2 in 1 conditioning lip gloss in va va voom- a bright pinky red with shimmer

L to R: Elf glitter gloss in fuchsia fireworks, elf glossy gloss in dragon fruit, UD lip junkie lip gloss in crush, Elf conditioning lip balm in mellow melon, elf 2 in 1 conditioning lip gloss in va va voom.

on my lips: Elf sociable with a bit of elf 2 in 1 conditioning lip gloss in va va voom on top for extra shine! Sorry about the no face photo, the camera flash was washing me out!
So that about wraps it up. What is your take on bright and bold lip colors? Love em or leave em?

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